As IELTS tutors, this is a question that we are asked constantly, how do I improve my IELTS score? Well, of course there are so many factors to this! But, generally there are a few things that you can do to quickly improve your score.
1 – Practice all aspects of the IELTS exam.
It never fails to amaze us, how many times students will get great scores for 3 parts of the exam, then fail massively on one specific part. For example, an IELTS candidate may get a band 7.5 for speaking, listening and writing, then get a band 5 in the reading exam. This is because the student has practised mainly for the first three parts of the exam, but forgotten about the reading part. So, remember to ensure that you try to cover all parts of the exam well before your exam date!
2 – Use IELTS tips and tricks.
Of course, you may already know that the IELTS exam is a little strange, simply having a good English level isn’t enough to guarantee a good IELTS band score. You need to understand what an IELTS examiner is looking for from a candidate. Phrasal verbs and idioms in the speaking test, adverbs and comparatives in the writing test and the ability to read for “gist” in the reading test, are all things that will help you to push your IELTS band score upwards.
3 – Organise your study time.
Organisation is so important if you want to make progress with anything. Plan your study time so that you cover a good balance of topics. Ensure that you have classes planned with qualified, native tutors in order to ensure you are exam ready. Then, after the classes work on the things you struggled with.
4 – Keep your study IELTS specific.
When studying for the IELTS exam, so many students try to prepare for the exam using the same study materials and study methods that they have used to generally improve their English. In order to study for IELTS, your preparation must be IELTS specific, use IELTS textbooks, IELTS websites and take IELTS preparation classes!
5 – Practice, practice, practice.
Now, this may sound like the most obvious point here, but it is probably the most important. The format of the IELTS exam can seem strange to the candidate. And that is because you probably haven’t used English in that format before, you need to make yourself feel more comfortable in the IELTS environment. And the easiest way to do that is to practice. Practice all parts of the exam, write essays, listen to past listening audios, read and answer former reading exams and most importantly, practice the speaking exam with a native English tutor!
6 – Check out our IELTS guide.
Have a look at our IELTS guide, as this will help to explain the whole IELTS exam in a clear and constructive way. Even if you feel confident with the exam format, this guide covers all you need to know, showing some easy ways to develop your IELTS answers and improve your IELTS score.
Why are you taking the IELTS exam? Tell us in the comments below! 😀