2022 年 10 月 25 日 以下是我们为您的雅思口语考. 试准备的最佳词汇表 如果您能够在考试中使用其中之一我们相信这将有助于提高您的雅思成绩! 词汇 定义 例子 Abstract art 抽象艺术 “Abstract art focuses on colour and shapes”.  Pop art 大众艺术 “Postwar Pop art was very popular”. Plastic bottles 塑料 ‘Plastic bottles are all over school fields’.  To recycle  循环利用 ‘Recycling plastic is good for the environment’. Straws 吸管 ‘Glass straws […]


2022 年 10 月 12 日 以下是我们为您的雅思口语考试准备的最佳动词短语. 如果您能够在考试中使用其中之一,我们相信这将有助于提高您的雅思成绩! 动词短语 定义 例子 TO LOOK UP 搜索  Amy has to look up the directions to the cinema.  TO LOOK BACK 沉溺于过去, 缅怀过去 When I look back I am so happy with the positive changes that I made in my life.  TO DROP OUT 一滴 Tony dropped out […]


短语动词是通往6.5分及更高分数的坚实基础。如果你能够自由地使用它们,那么你的演讲就会显得更自然。这绝对是件好事,特别是在追求即可能最高分时。 以下是雅思口语考试的十大短语动词。 短语动词 定义 例子 To meet up 见面 “I finally met up with my friends last week.” To calm down 冷静下来 “He was extremely angry so he walked off to calm down.” To call up 打电话 “I try to make time every week to call up my mother.” To fall through 失败 “I nearly […]


以下是我们为您的雅思口语考试准备的最佳习语。如果您能够在考试中使用其中之一,我们相信这将有助于提高您的雅思成绩! 成语 定义 例子 To be on cloud nine 欣喜若狂 “I’m on cloud nine because I passed my IELTS exam.” To make (someone’s) blood boil (使别人)怒火中烧 “It makes my blood boil when I hear about inequality.” To hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 He hits the ceiling every time he has an argument at work.” To be […]