
以下是我们为您的雅思口语考试准备的最佳习语。如果您能够在考试中使用其中之一,我们相信这将有助于提高您的雅思成绩! 成语 定义 例子 To be on cloud nine 欣喜若狂 “I’m on cloud nine because I passed my IELTS exam.” To make (someone’s) blood boil (使别人)怒火中烧 “It makes my blood boil when I hear about inequality.” To hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 He hits the ceiling every time he has an argument at work.” To be […]

How to learn English by yourself?

Learning English can be an expensive challenge! That’s why so many people learn English on their own. But where do you start? What materials do you use? How do you organise your study? In this post, we aim to answer these questions and give you some tips to help you speed up your learning process. […]

How to use “going to” to talk about the future.

In the English language, we have a few ways to talk about the future. This can be very useful as it will help to demonstrate your level, making you look and sound like a native speaker. It is so important however to use the correct future tense when speaking.  Today, let’s look at the future […]

The conditionals – how and when to use them.

The English language is full of tricky grammar which makes even the most confident English speaker feel confused! The conditionals are just one of those difficult grammatical aspects that you will need to overcome. Use our handy conditional guide to help you understand them! Zero Conditional- If+ Present Tense+ Present Tense. This is used to […]