成语 | 定义 | 例子 |
To be on cloud nine | 欣喜若狂 | “I’m on cloud nine because I passed my IELTS exam.” |
To make (someone’s) blood boil | (使别人)怒火中烧 | “It makes my blood boil when I hear about inequality.” |
To hit the ceiling | 勃然大怒 | He hits the ceiling every time he has an argument at work.” |
To be against the clock | 争分夺秒 | “We are against the clock as we need to complete the assignment by the end of the day.” |
To be all ears | 洗耳恭听 | “He told me if I had any suggestions, he would be all ears.” |
To cost next to nothing | 非常便宜 | “In some countries, food costs next to nothing..” |
Through thick and thin | 同甘共苦 | “My friends and I stick together through thick and thin.” |
Fit as a fiddle | 非常健康 | “Since I’ve taken up running, I’ve become fit as a fiddle.” |
To go the extra mile | 除了份内活儿, 还干额外的事 | “When you go the extra mile for your customers, they will return.” |
A piece of cake | 小菜一碟 | “Learning English is a piece of cake!” |